Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Human Heart Nature Citronella Oil Bug Spray

Nowadays, dengue doesn't have a season anymore, not like before it was a tropical disease that attacked during rainy days. Unfortunately, its an all year-round disease in the Philippines right now.

Having kids is a wonderful feeling and protecting them is the most important role for me as a mother. Shield them from all diseases and illnesses is one, we all know the saying "prevention is better than cure" that is why I've been looking around different malls and establishments for an organic insect repellant for my little bubbly Riley and for my hunky teenager Riane. But unfortunately I cannot find anything that I can use to protect my two sons without hurting or damaging their youth and fresh skin.

While surfing the net I came to a page that offers and produces Organic Insect Repellant and it was introduced by Human Heart Nature (Gandang Kalikasan). It is 100% NO harmful chemicals, NO deet, parabens or other toxic substances, the ingredients that used is organic Virgin Coconut Oil. They called it Citronella Bug Spray.

I wanted to try the product. So what I did was I signed up in their website because you need to register first so you can have your own log in before you can place an order. While browsing the site, I found out that they have a lot of organic items such as feminine wash, hair serum, soap and even coffee and others.

I've ordered 3 items from them, the Citronella Bug Spray, the 100% Natural Bug Shield, this is also mosquito repellent but this one is a lotion and lastly their feminine wash (sorry i don't have picture of of this to share with you guys coz I already disposed the container). Then I checkout my cart and after a few minutes I received an emails indicating all my orders, its kinda like an invoice. 

       After 2 days I've received my package (yipee)
   Already posted on my IG account, i've just captured it!

So here it is the Citronella Bug Spray, you need to pump onto your hands and rub evenly over arms, legs and other exposed areas. But beware! please avoid your little ones eyes. You need to re-apply every 2-4 hours depending on the level of the activity of your kids.

                                     Citronella Bug Spray

                                 Mosquito Repellant Lotion

When I pumped the oil onto my hands, I smelled it first coz I wanna know if the smell is good and of course will not irritate my baby's nose. And to my surprised the scent was so nice that I immediately applied it to my toddler while he was sleeping. 

When he woke up I checked his body to see if he has any bite, as expected not a single one, so happy! Then I caressed his skin, to be honest with you guys, it felt so soft and smooth and the smell was still there. 

Then before he begin to play I applied the mosquito repellent lotion on his skin so he will still protected while playing. 

It is our everyday routine, the bug spray and the lotion will always be part of our hygiene and beauty kit.  

Thanks Human Heart Nature for these awesome products.

I will try to review the feminine wash next and their new products as well. Hopefully I can have it very soon!

This is the site, kindly click the link. http://www.humanheartnature.com. You may also visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/humanheartnature

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. The Citronella Essential Oil is an effective mosquito repellent. It is formulated using a blend of essential oils. Scientifically, it is also known as Cymbopogon Winterianus oil. Organic Citronella Oil offered by SVA Organic, a leading supplier of Citronella Oil in India.


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